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We'd love to meet up through in-person and virtual events

Let's Hang! Our Upcoming Calendar of Events

Pitsco is all about meeting you where you currently are – not just in terms of your classroom and student needs, but also literally.

We love to connect and collaborate. Events are a great opportunity for us to do just that. Below you'll find our upcoming in-person conventions schedule as well as virtual learning events such as webinars.

June 23-26, 2024
Denver, CO
Visit our representatives at Booth 547/549!
ISTELive 2024
At ISTELive, educators and education leaders gather to engage in hands-on learning, share best practices and hear from the brightest minds from the world of education and beyond. The annual event attracts thousands of attendees and industry representatives, including teachers, tech coordinators and directors, library media specialists, education leaders, tech providers and researchers from around the world. During the ISTELive 2024 sessions, you’ll discover strategies, activities, and research-based practices from presenters who are just like you – global educators who love to share their experiences.
June 24-28, 2024
Atlanta, GA
Check out the Urban Search & Rescue and Commercial sUAS Drone competitions!
SkillsUSA® National Leadership & Skills Conference
The SkillsUSA’s National Leadership & Skills Conference is a week-long celebration of the skilled trades and the accomplishments of career-ready leaders from across the United States. Thousands of students, instructors, industry partners, government officials, and administrators will join together to engage, prepare and celebrate our nation’s future skilled workforce.
June 26-29, 2024
Orlando, FL
Check out the Dragster competitions!
Technology Student Association (TSA) National Competition
TSA provides middle and high school students STEM opportunities through competition and leadership experiences, and the annual national competition is the culmination of the students' hard work. Members are rewarded not only with medals or trophies, but also with memories of the camaraderie and the challenge of participating at this week-long event.
July 16-19, 2024
Las Vegas, NV
Visit our representatives at Booth 425!
CSTA 2024 Annual Conference
As a computer science teacher, you are often the only one in your building, or maybe even in your district. There is a whole community of computer science educators just like you out there. Connect with the world’s largest CS department at the CSTA 2024 Annual Conference.

“It’s not just the essential skills that students are walking away with. They’re learning. They’re gaining a soft skill, that design-thinking component.”

– Dr. Tory C. Hill, superintendent, Sweeny (TX) ISD, on STREAM Missions labs and STEM Units

“I love all of the hands-on activities! The enthusiasm from all of the presenters was wonderful. I enjoyed the hands-on activities and the incorporation of ELA into each lesson . . . real life!”

– Fifth-grade teacher, Grand Prairie ISD, Frontiers of Flight event