Have ARP/ESSER Funds? YES! Pitsco solutions qualify under federal guidelines. Learn more

A Company Built by Educators for Educators

Through Decades of Change in Education,
Hands-On Learning Has Been Our Constant.

Educator and entrepreneur Harvey Dean founded his start-up in 1971 by creating hands-on kits in a garage. We have progressed steadily since then, growing our portfolio around a core of hands-on projects, scalable curriculum, and effective learning environments meant to address all learning styles.

The context in which we work is STEM, as it integrates the core disciplines that enable students to solve problems, be creative, think with their hands, work together, and articulate ideas. Through decades of change in education, providing competency-based, collaborative, hands-on learning opportunities has been our constant focus.

We have cycled the engineering design process ourselves many times through the evolution and development of hands-on projects, constantly learning and improving along the way. That is why so many of our flagship products have endured the test of time.

We have found what works; we know how to engage students in the relevant integration of STEM concepts while helping them master 21st-century employability skills.

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Leading education that positively affects learners

Measuring Our Commitment

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Bring fun, hands-on learning home with STEAMbright Co.

STEAMbright Co.

For more than 50 years, Pitsco Education has been hands-on, minds-on, hearts-on focused, basically STEM before STEM was cool. Serving nearly three million new students each year, the Pitsco team has been steadfast in creating meaningful options and opportunities for students in school settings.

STEAMbright Co. is an extension of that legacy. We recognize learning can happen anywhere, and we want to make sure experiential learning is available everywhere – at home, at play, any day! STEAMbright Co. was created to foster and celebrate kids’ innate wonder, inspire their confidence, develop problem-solving skills, and nurture their ability to persevere. STEAMbright Co. offers simple materials in ready-to-go kits that become engaging activities and projects that are anything but ordinary. STEAMbright fosters rich experiences in science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM) to stimulate readiness for today and the world to come.

The aha moments await. Whether your child is building, making, breaking, investigating, or even failing, they are growing! Brighter minds, brighter days, and brighter futures start here, one project at a time.