Seeker, a new programmable and adaptable robot by Pitsco Education, introduces middle school students to coding, robotics, and careers through the lens of technology for good. Seeker is designed to spark students’ interest in STEM and prepare them for digital-age careers.
Beginner friendly and classroom ready, Seeker enables educators with no prior experience to provide an engaging computer science experience. Seeker comes with everything teachers need to get started, including computer science curriculum and a variety of resources such as a teacher’s guide, user guide, solution code, and standards alignment. Initially, Seeker will come with five units comprising nine weeks of curriculum featuring block-based coding. An additional nine weeks of content will be released in 2025, enabling students to transition from block-based to Python® programming.
Seeker, a new programmable and adaptable robot by Pitsco Education, introduces middle school students to coding, robotics, and careers through...