Developing the Whole Child Through STREAM
When you merge hands-on projects with interactive, collaborative online content and elementary instructional best practices, you get Pitsco’s STREAM Missions program.
With Missions, reading practice, art, math, and social and emotional learning are woven into core science instruction, turning STEM into STREAM.
What Students Get
Access to the online content, 1:1 printed Mission Journal workbooks, and all hands-on materials to complete projects.
What Educators Get
Online content licensing, professional development, educator resources, and ongoing technical support
What Classrooms Get
Scheduled in-person installation and setup, furniture, and storage
Browse Our Titles
The Missions program includes 15 titles for each grade. Every title is organized into sequential intervals of instruction consisting of a Briefing, Reading, and Exploration. Vocabulary, Math, Research, Career, Science, and Social Studies Connections are also included with every title.
Being Healthy
In Being Healthy, students learn about different things that affect the body both in positive ways and negative ways.
- Analyze the experiences your body goes through as you wake up.
- Design a device that produces sounds of different volume and pitch.
- Categorize the nutrients that are essential for a healthy body.
- Categorize food into groups and plan meals for a day.
- Evaluate food choices for a healthy diet.
- Perform different cooking measurements and examine nutrition labels.
- Determine how the skin is an important line of defense for the body.
- Play a game that demonstrates the importance of being healthy.
- Compare and contrast the roles of muscles and the skeleton for movement.
- Design a cast for a broken wrist while staying within a budget for materials.
Essential Questions:
- Why is it important to be healthy?
- How does your food and nutrition affect your body?
- What are nutrients and where do you find them?
Career Connections:
- Cryptologist
- Genetic Engineer
- Pet Psychologist
- Taxidermist
Standards Alignments
STREAM Missions were built on Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core State Standards for mathematics and English language arts. View the following best set correlation reports, or custom reports are available upon request.
Supplementary Units
Looking for an economical elementary unit that takes less time to teach and complete? Shop our activity bundles for preK-6. Correlations available upon request.
"I love that in the workplace you're given certain responsibilities. That's what you do in a job. The fact that they're learning that now at the elementary age is amazing."
-Matthew Way, STREAM lab facilitator, Sweeny Elementary School, Sweeny, TX
(on student roles in STREAM Missions)