Using the myQuake, students can design, construct, and test structures for earthquake resistance in a dynamic way. It uses a side-to-side platform with two accelerometer inputs to measure the acceleration for the x-, y-, or z-axis. Plus, students control the motion profile and measure the resulting forces.
myQuake is ideal for teaching about resonant frequencies, sensor measurement, and data acquisition and analysis.
National Instruments miniSystems by Pitsco Education
Includes a DVD that uses a small amount of LabVIEW™ to display data from the myQuake. NI miniSystems are small-scale replicas of real-world systems that connect to NI hardware and software for a powerful learning experience for science and engineering.
Note: miniSystems require an NI myDAQ data-acquisition interface, not included. Wall charger (42428) and plugs (40133) sold separately.
Using the myQuake, students can design, construct, and test structures for earthquake resistance in a dynamic way. It uses a...