Model Airplanes Teacher's Guide
Model Airplanes Teacher's Guide
SKU: SKU:59729
A Pitsco Exclusive
Available now in both print and free digital download!
Need an angle of attack to teach students science and technology concepts? Just don your aviator glasses and have your students build the Pitsco Sky Eagle model airplane powered by rubber bands. Then, this guide’s activities will help them understand forms of energy, aerodynamic forces, initial velocity, how to design to achieve specific kinds of performance, and more.
The Model Airplanes Teacher’s Guide contains ITEEA standards, CCSS Math, and NGSS addressed; teacher and student instructions for a variety of math, science, and technology activities; pretests and posttests; resource pages; and links to video resources. Contains separate activities for middle school and high school students as well as links to career information and applications of the 4Cs (communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity).
Equipment and materials needed to complete guide activities include the Model Airplanes – Getting Started Package as well as other tools and materials. Items needed for all activities are listed in the teacher guide.
Available now in both print and free digital download!
Need an angle of attack to teach students science and...
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- Pages: 71
- Binding: Paperback/spiral-bound