Partnering to Equip Students with the Skills of Tomorrow

Our partners are a diverse group of businesses, educational institutions, foundations, and nonprofit organizations that enable us to carry out our vision to lead education that positively affects learners.

Our partners have played a role in guiding the educational frameworks that our products, curricula, and solutions are built upon. They’ve assisted us in the development of the actual hands-on materials that enable students of all ages to learn by doing. And, in some cases, they have worked diligently with us to get those materials in the hands of students through the establishment of in- and after-school programs.

Together we strive to prepare all our young learners with the skills needed to thrive in a future that no one can yet describe.

Buck Institute for Education

The Buck Institute for Education (BIE) is “a
mission-driven nonprofit organization [that]
creates, gathers, and shares high-quality
[project-based learning] instructional
practices and products and provides highly
effective services to teachers, schools, and
districts.” Pitsco Education has been delivering
hands-on, project-based learning for more
than 40 years and fully supports and is aligned
with the Buck Gold Standard PBL framework.

Bright Futures USA

“Bright Futures USA is a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing communities together to focus on the success of children. This grassroots movement uses the Bright Futures framework to engage businesses, human service agencies, faith-based organizations, and parent groups within communities to meet the needs of children.” Bright Futures USA and Pitsco Education are working to increase community interest in innovative education strategies.


The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) is helping “make evidence-based social and emotional learning (SEL) an integral part of education from preschool through high school.” Pitsco Education has furthered the work of CASEL through its implementation of the framework throughout its educational solutions.


The Division of Academic and Technical Education (DATE), within the US Department of Education's Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education, “is responsible for helping all students acquire academic and technical skills and be prepared for high-skill, high-wage, or high-demand occupations.” Pitsco has worked with various organizations such as ACTE, NAWB, ACT

Enable Education

Enable Education’s mission is “to support and enhance the way people teach and learn.” Enable creates “innovative resources for learners of all ages, in a wide variety of subject areas,” and has been an integral partner with Pitsco Education in the development of our learning content management system.

FIRST ® Tech Challenge

In the FIRST ® Tech Challenge, developed by the
FIRST organization, teams “are challenged to
design, build, program, and operate robots to
compete in a head-to-head challenge in an
alliance format.” Pitsco Education is the official
supplier and distribution partner for the FIRST  Tech Challenge kit and materials for the FIRST  Tech Challenge event.

“Enable Education is proud to work with the industry-leading and innovative team at Pitsco. Pitsco’s suite of resources and technology help teachers to create more dynamic learning experiences for students, making it easier and fun for them to successfully learn new STEM concepts. This vision for education has fit incredibly well with our own, and our partnership has resulted in the development of class-leading, interactive, hands-on educational resources and technologies for 21st-century learners.”