Catapults Teacher’s Guide
Catapults Teacher’s Guide
SKU: SKU:59726
A Pitsco Exclusive
Available now in both print and free digital download!
Blow the dust off the historical catapult – because this flinging device is loaded and ready to deliver educational content to your classroom! This guide throws itself into subjects such as Newton’s laws, projectile motion, simple machines, speed, and mass – all while your students build and test the fun catapult.
The Catapults Teacher’s Guide contains NSTA, NCTM, ITEEA, and NCTE standards addressed; teacher and student instructions for a variety of math, science, and engineering activities; pretests and posttests; resource pages; and puzzles. Contains separate activities for middle school and high school students.
Equipment and materials needed to complete guide activities include the Pitsco Catapults – Getting Started Package, digital scale, stopwatch, tape measure, ruler, spring scale, sandpaper, protractor, clamps, hobby knife, basswood, Pitsco Range Paper, wood glue, and standard classroom tools and materials. Note: This list is for all activities; individual activities don’t require all listed materials.
Available now in both print and free digital download!
Blow the dust off the historical catapult – because this...
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- Author: Tim Cannell
- Pages: 99
- Binding: Paperback/spiral-bound
- Copyright: 2007
- Publisher: Pitsco, Inc.
- Number of Lessons: 6
- Number of Worksheets: 5