Moving fore-ward with TETRIX robotics

Moving fore-ward with TETRIX robotics

Updated 5/15/24

In Pittsburg, Kansas, this time of year means some stormy weather, the start of summer break, family vacations, and outdoor activities. Speaking of which, one popular summer activity is found on the fairway, the tee box, and the green.   

This inspired me to design and construct a simple robot that could help my game on the putting green, plus celebrate National Golf Month (May), Women’s Golf Month (June), and summer in general. Not being an avid golfer, I need all the help I can get on the golf course, so I was inspired to find some assistance!

It was difficult to create a robot that could drive the ball 300 yards straight down the fairway (if you have any ideas, I’d love to hear them!), so I decided the goal should be to make a robot that could accurately putt from a shorter distance.

Where to Start with my Golf Bot?

The TETRIX® Max R/C Robotics Set and some extra parts were my materials. The R/C Builder's Guide includes three build options, and the RangerMAX Bot seemed to be the best foundation to meet the putting goal.

That’s the beauty of using the TETRIX building system to learn to build robots. Initially, you can develop your skills by following the instructions. After you’ve got the basics down, you can create your own builds and challenge yourself with different activities; the possibilities are endless! And, if you’ll pardon the golf pun, robotics also allows for lots of mulligans. Hands-on learning with robotics totally encourages failing forward.

Expanding on the Basics

One chief modification was made to the RangerMAX Bot with the thought it would help me reach my goal. An arm was added to the front of the bot that mimicks the shape of a putter.


Next Up: Fine Tuning the Correct Movement!

The forward and back swing was accomplished using servo motors. Check out my modified bot sinking this putt. If the bot looks backward in the video, I’m left-handed, so I had to make the robot left-handed too. 


It’s Your Turn!

Associating bots with current events and holidays, the traditional and nontraditional, is a fun way to tie to STEM activities. What can you and your students come up with?

I’ve teed up to the challenge for you. Can you and your students create and hold your own golf bot scramble? Or you could swing further and select your own celebration-inspired mission and build a bot or two to accomplish the goal. You might even be want to utilize our Competition in a Box!

Can’t wait to see what you all come up with, so share in the comments.

(Thanks to Four Oaks Golf Course in Pittsburg, KS, for letting us take photos at their facilities!)

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