Have ARP/ESSER Funds? YES! Pitsco solutions qualify under federal guidelines. Learn more

Federal Sources

Published October 30, 2023

These are formula grants for adult and secondary education and English as a second language. Find the most up-to-date information with the Federal Grant Forecast.

Education Technology Grants

The Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) program provides for flexibility, enabling districts and schools to tailor grant requests based on the needs of their unique student populations. A portion of the SSAE funds must go toward technology that helps improve students’ digital literacy


Contains grant opportunities posted by 26 federal agencies and 12 independent federal agencies, executive branch offices, and commissions. Grant seekers can subscribe to the Grants.gov RSS feed or download the mobile app.

National Science Foundation

NSF promotes and advances scientific programs in the United States and provides grants for science, math, and engineering research in education.

Perkins Career and Technical Education Act

Funds may be used for vocational and technology education activities plus professional development opportunities for teachers and counselors.

Small, Rural School Achievement Program

This program “provide[s] rural LEAs with financial assistance to fund initiatives aimed at improving student academic achievement.”

Title I

The largest of the elementary- and secondary-education programs, this program requires states to develop standards in reading and math and assessments linked to those standards for students. The program is also structured to assist high-poverty schools in giving their students an equal opportunity to meet state standards.

21st Century Community Learning Centers

This program provides money for before- and after-school sessions. Funds may be used for expanding learning activities or any area of enrichment.

“Pitsco provides not only materials, but full support. They are small enough to be personable and friendly and large enough to be efficient. They are clearly passionate about their mission to engage all kids in high-quality STEM education.”

– Debra Rouse, K-6 STEM specialist, North Cedar Community School District, Lowden, Iowa

We enable young learners to develop the mind-set, skill set, and tool set needed for future success.

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