Students in technology, math, and physical science classes can build foam or wooden boats. With AquaTrak, they can analyze their boats’ wake patterns in relation to variations in the hull design. They can learn firsthand the effects of buoyancy and drag as well as how to design a boat to account for factors such as stability and load-bearing capacity. Boats can be timed for racing, or varying weights can be added to test power usage. The AquaTrak package includes our Boat Design and Testing: From AquaTrak to the Oceans curriculum.
The vinyl AquaTrak tank is six meters long and 15 inches wide and has a 20- to 30-gallon capacity. The boat is pulled through the water by means of a free-fall weighted pulley system. The tank and pulley system are supported by a framework of PVC pipe.
AquaTrak comes partially assembled with complete assembly instructions. The track is designed to sit on the floor – leave it standing all year or disassemble it after each use (the longest piece is 38 inches).
Students in technology, math, and physical science classes can build foam or wooden boats. With AquaTrak, they can analyze their...